Dhammapala has adopted a strategy of increasing hygiene precautions, with the intention of protecting everyone in the monastery; resident community as well as visitors.
If you suspect you have been in contact with coronavirus in the last 14 days, or have symptoms suggestive of it, like a fever or cough, please do not come to the monastery.
If you do visit Dhammapala please observe strict hygiene rules:
- Upon arrival please wash your hands thoroughly with soap or liquid hand-wash particularly if you are going to prepare food and always after using a toilet.
- Use paper towels to dry your hands.
- Use hand sanitiser when it is available.
- Cough or sneeze into your elbow, clothing or a tissue, not the room or your hands.
- Dispose of tissues straight into a bin.
All illnesses bring uncertainty and are an opportunity for mindfulness, wisdom and simple kindness. May all beings be well in mind and body.